Fall Into Fantasy Readathon!

I don't know about you, but I love readathons! I love the challenge of trying to get through multiple books in a short time period, and I love the challenges that challenge you to read certain types of books.

I am so excited to be a part of the Fall Into Fantasy Readathon, which is sponsored by Penguin Teen. Basically, the goal of this readathon is to read fantasy books. There are 8 challenges, and the goal is to read at least 4 books during the readathon, which takes place from November 18-25. Penguin Teen is also hosting buddy reads, which you can read about here.

I also decided to share my TBR for the week! I'm terrible at readathons, and I am 99% sure I will not be able to finish 4 books during the week, as I still have class for the first 3 days of the readathon. But I am going to do my best! Here are the challenges, and the books I am planning to read to complete each challenge. You can double up, as I am doing, which means you can use 1 book to fulfill multiple challenges.

The challenges:

#1: A new series

For this challenge, start a new series! It can be a series that has been out for some time and that you just haven't read yet, or it can be the first book in a series that has just been released. For this challenge, I am going to read Vicious by V. E. Schwab.

#2: Been on your TBR too long

For this challenge, read a book that has been on your TBR for far too long. For this challenge, I am going to (hopefully) read Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo. Yes. I know. I still haven't read this book (that can satisfy 5 of the challenges, by the way) yet, and it's embarrassing.

#3: An LGBTQ fantasy

For this challenge, read a fantasy book with a main character who identifies as LGBTQ. For this challenge, I am planning on reading Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan. 

#4: A diverse fantasy

For this challenge, read a book that is diverse. A book with characters of color, books with characters who identify as LGBTQ, etc. I am using Girls of Paper and Fire for this challenge as well.

#5: Multiple POVs

For this challenge, read a book with more than one POV. I will also be using Six of Crows to satisfy this challenge.

#6: A new fantasy

For this challenge, read a newly released fantasy. I am planning on reading Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend.

#7: A sequel

For this challenge, read a sequel to a fantasy novel. I will also be using Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow to complete this challenge, as it is the sequel to Nevermoor.

#8: BookTube Recommended

For this challenge, read a book that has been recommended throughout the BookTube community. For this challenge, you could probably pick literally any fantasy; literally all of the books on my TBR for this readathon would work for this challenge! I will be using Vicious to complete this challenge as well.

There you have it! Those are the challenges for the Fall Into Fantasy readathon that begins next week. I hope you guys participate, and if you're looking for fantasy recommendations to read during the week, check out Penguin Teen's website and see if any of the buddy read books (hosted by some of my favorite booktubers) interest you.

Happy reading!




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