
Showing posts from March, 2019

Girls on the Verge by Sharon Biggs Waller

This is my right. I deserve to be heard. I am so glad that this book exists. And I am so glad this book was written for teens. Girls on the Verge follows three girls from Texas who have to go on a road trip so that one of them can obtain an abortion, as Texas abortion restrictions have made it impossible for our main character, Camille, to exercise her legal right to choose. This book is extraordinary. Every once in a while, a book comes along that just hits you right in the gut, and this is one of those books. I am unapologetically pro-choice, and reproductive freedom is one of, if not the issue, that I am most passionate about. There are a million reasons I can give in favor of the pro-choice movement, but I really appreciated that this book focused on a specific, less talked about element of the movement: access to reproductive healthcare. This book really focuses on the fact that abortion is a LEGAL procedure that old white men who will never be pregnant are trying to

Wicked Saints Blog Tour: Q & A with Emily A. Duncan

I am so excited to be sharing a Q&A with Emily A. Duncan, author of the highly anticipated Wicked Saints, in collaboration with Wednesday Books! About the Book:  Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan Publisher: Wednesday Books (Macmillan) Pub Date: April 2, 2019 Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository A girl who can speak to gods must save her people without destroying herself. A prince in danger must decide who to trust. A boy with a monstrous secret waits in the wings. Together, they must assassinate the king and stop the war. In a centuries-long war where beauty and brutality meet, their three paths entwine in a shadowy world of spilled blood and mysterious saints, where a forbidden romance threatens to tip the scales between dark and light.  Wicked Saints  is the thrilling start to Emily A. Duncan’s devastatingly Gothic  Something Dark and Holy  trilogy. About the Author: EMILY A. DUNCAN works as a youth services librarian. Sh

Shout by Laurie Halse Anderson: The Book that Broke Me

This. Book. Fucking. Broke. Me. Excuse my French. Wow. This book is absolutely extraordinary. Everyone has heard of Laurie Halse Anderson's book Speak , a remarkable novel that is required reading for a lot of students these days that follows a teenager in the aftermath of her sexual assault. Shout is Laurie's memoir written in verse about her own experience with sexual assault, but it is also a commentary on rape and rape culture and the #metoo movement, and an empowering book that encourages victims to shout and speak their truths. I had the pleasure of attending Laurie's Chicago event, and it was hands down the best author event I have ever been to. Laurie had a an empowering conversation with a local author and activist, as well as a Q&A. I asked her a question about the #MeToo movement, and her answer was so beautiful and eloquent and I really appreciated that she addressed Tarana Burke in her answer. Laurie's passion for activism and diversity just r

Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins

Last year, I participated in the blog tour for Royals (renamed Prince Charming ) by Rachel Hawkins. Her Royal Highness is the companion novel to Prince Charming, so you don’t have to have read Prince Charming to read Her Royal Highness , but I would highly recommend doing so.  Her Royal Highness follows our main character Millie, who is from Texas and moves to Scotland to do her senior year at a prestigious boarding school. Millie's roommate ends up being Princess Flora, the actual princess of Scotland, who you would remember from Prince Charming . Millie and Flora initially clash, but soon become sort-of best friends/sort-of girlfriends. This is an LGBTQ+ novel, as Millie is bisexual and Flora is lesbian. I absolutely adored this book! While I really liked Prince Charming , I loved Her Royal Highness . I loved the characters, and I loved the romance, and I really enjoyed the setting of a prestigious Scotland boarding school. It was also really refreshing to read an LGB

Blog Tour News!!!

Hey Everyone! I am so excited to announce a handful of blog tours that I am participating in during the coming months! For those of you who don't know, blog tours are collaborations between authors, publishers, and bloggers to promote a specific book. They take place during specific dates, and each day of the blog tour a post related to the book appears on a different blogger's site. I am so excited to share the books I will be participating in blog tours for! March 26th: Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan May 21st: Bright Burning Stars by A.K. Small June 1st: The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg XOXO, Isabella