
Showing posts from November, 2018

Tis The Season-A-Thon TBR!

It's time for another read-a-thon! And hopefully one that is more successful than the previous one I participated in... Anyways, I will be participating in the Tis the Seasonathon, which is a holiday read-a-thon hosted by two of my favorite booktubers, Heather from Bookables (who created this read-a-thon) and Kristin from Super Space Chick . This is a holiday themed read-a-thon (you can really read whatever you want though, which is what I will be doing, as only one of the challenges is holiday specific) that will take place from December 3rd-9th .  And here are the challenges! 1. Read a book with red or green on the cover For this challenge, I will be reading The Lying Woods by Ashley Elston, which has a very green cover. This book is about a boy names Owen who is a very wealthy due to his father's company. But one day his mother shows up at his fancy boarding school to pull him out because, not only has his father gone missing, his father made his fortune on

Fall Into Fantasy Wrap-Up: EPIC Fail and 1 Review

Yeah, so the goal was to read 4 books and complete 8 challenges, and I read 1.75 books and only completed 3 of the challenges. Yikes. I'm posting this Wednesday, and I did finish the second book I was reading during the readathon yesterday, but of course it doesn't count. On the plus size, the one book I did manage to complete was over 500 pages and I loved it. And that book was Wundersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow , which is the sequel to Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow , which is a middle grade series. This book completed 3 challenges: Read a sequel, read a new fantasy, and read a book that is BookTube recommended. I gave Nevermoor 5/5 stars when I read it earlier this year, and I also gave Wundersmith 5/5 stars, though I can't say if I liked it more than Nevermoor . Nevermoor is a very whimsical novel that follow our main character Morrigan Crow, who was born on the unluckiest day of the year and is therefore "cursed". She is blame

Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: A New Favorite

You all know I love reading about high society. And you know how much I hated the last book about high society that I read, When We Caught Fire by Anna Godberson. But Little White Lies by Jennifer Lynn Barnes? I LOVED it. Little White Lies follows an 18-year-old girl named Sawyer who works as a mechanic. Out of the blue, her maternal grandmother shows up, offering her a six figure contract to participate in debutante season. Sawyer surprises herself by saying yes, because going to live with her grandmother will give her the opportunity to discover the biggest mystery of her life: who her father is. Sawyer is surprised to discover friendship among the South's high society, and she is surprised to be welcomed with open arms into her grandmother's uber-rich family. But sawyer discovers that many of the debutantes and their families have twisted secrets, and they are not too happy to find Sawyer digging into their pasts. I loved everything about this book! The setting, the

When We Caught Fire by Anna Godbersen: My Least Favorite Book of the Year

I was so excited for this book. It has everything I love... it's a historical fiction novel that takes place in Chicago (my home "town") high society before and during the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. It follows a girl named Emmeline and her best friend and lady's maid, Fiona. Emmeline is engaged to marry the most eligible bachelor in Chicago, but she starts to have doubts when she remembers the life she had planned with a boy named Anders, who is now a hotshot boxer, before she and her father became rich. The only issue is, Fiona is also in love with Anders. This book was terrible. There's really no other way to put it. The only thing I liked about this book was the historical high society setting, and the little newspaper and book excerpts at the beginning of each chapter. But I HATED the characters, especially Emmeline. I hated the romance; it was so bad. I hated how Anders went back and forth between Emmeline and Fiona; one moment he was in love with one g

Fall Into Fantasy Readathon!

I don't know about you, but I love readathons! I love the challenge of trying to get through multiple books in a short time period, and I love the challenges that challenge you to read certain types of books. I am so excited to be a part of the Fall Into Fantasy Readathon, which is sponsored by Penguin Teen. Basically, the goal of this readathon is to read fantasy books. There are 8 challenges, and the goal is to read at least 4 books during the readathon, which takes place from November 18-25. Penguin Teen is also hosting buddy reads, which you can read about here . I also decided to share my TBR for the week! I'm terrible at readathons, and I am 99% sure I will not be able to finish 4 books during the week, as I still have class for the first 3 days of the readathon. But I am going to do my best! Here are the challenges, and the books I am planning to read to complete each challenge. You can double up, as I am doing, which means you can use 1 book to fulfill multiple

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss: I Finally Read it!

I FINALLY read The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I have heard nothing but amazing things about this series from people on BookTube, and when the beautiful, illustrated 10th anniversary edition came out last year, I figured it might drive me to pick up the tome. And I finally did about a year later. And it was fantastic! The writing, the characters, the world- everything about this book is fantastic. I'm going to hold off on reading the second book for a bit because it's a trilogy, and the second book was released in 2011, and 7 years later, the third and final book has yet to be released, and no one knows when it is going to come out. :( For those of you who don't know, The Name of the Wind is about a man named Kvothe who became the most infamous man in the world, and he is telling his story (after the fact) to a man named Chronicler. This book has magic, folklore, music... it's an epic fantasy that is super approachable and very easy to read, especi

Exit, Pursued By a Bear by E.K. Johnston

Ok, so I have a confession to make. I've read a lot of Shakespeare, but I haven't read The Winter's Tale . And supposedly, Exit, Pursued By a Bear is a loose retelling of that play. Anyways. Exit, Pursued By a Bear is about a cheerleader named Hermione, who was raped at cheerleading camp. The book is about her healing emotionally from the trauma, and a really great friendship that holds Hermione together. Exit, Pursued By a Bear is a nice, solid, short book that deals with a difficult topic. Overall, I enjoyed it. By far the best part of this book is Hermione's friendship with Polly, her best friend who is fiercely loyal, staunchly defends her, and is really just the greatest friend anyone could ask for. I feel like this is somewhat unique, as a lot of books that deal with sexual assault generally don't feature a survivor with a solid support system, and it was really refreshing to read a story about a survivor with a strong support system, although the