
Showing posts from September, 2019

American Royals by Katharine McGee

I love Katharine McGee, and I loved her series The Thousandth Floor . But I am absolutely obsessed with anything having to do with royals, and a Katie McGee book about America reimagined as a monarchy? Sign me the fuck up! This was my most anticipated book of 2019, and I am so grateful to have gotten my hands on a finished copy. American Royals imagines that, instead of being the first President, George Washington was the first king of America. Fast-forward to present-day, and we follow the current American royals. There's Beatrice, who is poised to become the first Queen of America. Sam, Beatrice's younger sister and the spare. There's Nina, a commoner and Sam's best friend. And then there's Daphne, a scheming aristocrat desperate to capture the heart of Jeff, Sam's twin brother. There's not much beyond that I can say about the plot with out spoiling anything, but if, like me, you love anything involving royals, this is the book for you! And it'