Favorite Fictional Book Couples!

Happy Valentine's Day! In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought it would be fun for me to share with you guys some of my favorite book couples!

1. Feyre and Rhysand from ACOTAR series - this is my favorite ship, like, ever! My favorite thing about their relationship is that they are very much equals, in their relationship and in their positions in life. I really appreciated how, in one of the books, Feyre makes a comment apologizing for not feeling like having sex, and Rhysand tells her she never has to apologize for not wanting to have sex, and in this era, that was music to my ears.

2. Bella and Edward from The Twilight Saga - because it's iconic. I recognize the problematic parts of this relationship, but I love it nonetheless. And I'm here to tell you that the only reason there was ever a Team Jacob is when New Moon the movie came out and people fell in love with Taylor Lautner's abs.

3. America and Maxon from The Selection series - Aspen who? I love this couple so much, even if their relationship is full of tropes.

4. Rose and Dimitri from Vampire Academy - I love Rose and Dimitri together! They are both such headstrong characters and they compliment each other so well. And the "forbidden" part of the romance is part of the fun.

5. Emika and Hideo from Warcross - I just love Emika and Hideo so much! They are just so great together. When I first read Warcross, I absolutely loved it, and I loved the romance, however, there was something about that didn't sit right with me, and eventually I figured out what it was: Hideo kind of reminded me of Christian Grey... when I say that, I mean Hideo and Christian are both handsome, damaged, very private billionaires who everyone is obsessed with. And then "ordinary" women come into their lives and they start taking said woman on fancy dates and buying her fancy things. Anyways, once I figured this out, I didn't have anymore problems.

6. Lilac and Tarver from These Broken Stars/ the Starbound trilogy - this is a less popular series, but the romance is one I love so much! There are three books in the series, and each book follows a different set of main characters, with the 2 main characters from each previous book making an appearance in the next book. Kind of like in Illuminae. Anyways, Lilac and Tarver are the main characters in the first book, These Broken Stars. Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe (literally) and Tarver is a war hero, and they end up the only survivors from a space ship that crashes on an abandoned planet.

Other Favorite OTPs:

Lazlo and Sarai (Strange the Dreamer)
Lara Jean and Peter K. (To All the Boys I've Loved Before)
Rachel and Nick (Crazy Rich Asians)
Holly and Jackson (Tempest)
Lei and Wren (Girls of Paper and Fire)
Evelyn and Celia (The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo)
Bex and Nick (The Royal We)
Tris and Four (Divergent)
June and Day (Legend)


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